Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > bulldogs ; new bulldog as a pet ; bulldog feeding ;

bulldogs ; new bulldog as a pet ; bulldog feeding ;

19 16:15:47

We was given a white bulldog with blue eyes and blue spots, we cannot get the papers and we was told he is 9 weeks old and are taking him for his shots and vet check this was from a divorce and we may get the papers but would love to know the breed if you could help he is a great dog very loveable and great with the kids so please help if you can


bullies love NuVET
Hi Ronnie - Well bulldogs are wonderful pets!  White dogs can have a tendency to show signs of dry coat and skin -  Also, many times they do have slight allergy problems.
Otherwise, not much else to tell you... I mainly deal with health, feeding and vitamins.

You can check out for some books on the breed.
Also, check out your local library.

Good Luck !  
I am here if you need help with feeding...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

see my bullie clients here: