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my 11 month old english bulldogs spine problem

19 16:15:23

My English bulldog for the last weak or more has not been able to walk very well or climb. At times when she takes her pain killers she is ok, but as soon as they wear off. She is in pain again and doesn't want to move and yelps if you touch her back left thigh. she has already had an x-ray. there is nothing wrong with her legs. although the last part of the spine shows a very small gap in between the bones almost pushed all the way together with just a little crack of space in between. the rest of the spine looks much more separated and normal. the vet has called for an MRI and the bone specialists thinks that's a good idea too. Do you have any better insight on what I can do for her or more information on the problem? Anything will help. Thank you

Hi Joe, I am so sorry your bullie is in pain!  It may be a joint problem or slight injury. This kind of injury will not show up on x-ray.  Sounds like you have some great Vets helping you.

here is a site on bulldog problems: