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abd puppy keeps urinating on my bed

19 16:24:09

I dont let her sleep in the bed with me she has a crate she will come up on the bed while watching tv and within 2 min of getting on the bed is when she will do it.-------------------------------------------
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i have 13 week old American bull dog since she was 10 weeks old and she just started in the past week to urinate on my bed. i will be laying in bed and she will jump up and urinate on the bed .I put her outside often and praise her for going outside and when she  has a accident in the house if i catch her in the act i will scold her put her outside and praise her when she goes . please help !
Get her out of your bed until she's completely house trained. Put her in a crate to sleep. This is a very bad practice with new puppies. She's a baby. She gets so comfortable in your bed and she has to pee immediately upon waking.

You're expecting way too much from a puppy this age. It will be months before she's dependable in this regard.

Over the years I've had a few dogs that would do this, females, not males. I believe it's a territorial, marking behavior. Your bed, your puppy, she's letting you know that it's all hers.

I would keep her off the bed entirely until she's older so this doesn't turn into just a nasty habit.

If you find that she's urinating often, even off the bed, you might have her checked for a UTI, very common in girl puppies.