Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > My bulldog is in her second heat

My bulldog is in her second heat

19 16:18:57

Hello, my name is Amber.  Me and my mom have a female bull dog and she is about a year and 2 months.  We want to breed her and were wandering when we need to start the artificial insemination.  Today is 12/10 and our breeder won't be in town till the beginning of the year.  Will this be too late?  Or should we have our bulldog be bred natural way; which our breeder won't need to be here?  And my mom also wanted to take our bulldog to Colorado but we don't know if she'll spot blood while we are there so we were wandering about how far into the heat cycle do the dogs start bleeding?   please reply ASAP, it would help us A TON!

Thank you,
Amber Wolfe

I just received this question and I would assume it is to late to help you.  Maybe this will help for your next heat.

Bulldogs can be very irregular in their heat cycles.  The usual breeding schedule is around day 10.  

Bleeding for bulldogs can also be very irregular.  

The best thing to do is watch and take note of your bulldog.  They are usually ready to breed when the bleeding has stopped.  But this is not a sure way to tell.

The most accurate way to tell when to breed your bulldog is to have your vet do a test to tell when your dog is ovulating.  They can do a blood test and that is the most accurate determination of when to breed your bulldog.