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Breeding bulldogs; females heat cycle;

19 16:17:51

I bred my bulldog pups arrived April 08. She has had one cycle in Sept 08. I am ready to breed her again, however this cycle is lighter and vet said maybe I missed the cycle which I extremely doubt. Do they have off cycles? I also kept a pup from her litter which started cycling this week too, could that affect the mother's cycle? Help. Thanks!

Hello William, I am not a breeder and have very little experience with this.
I know that some dogs can skip a cycle as people can also do.  Hormone levels can get effected but just don't have the answer to one dog having effects over the other dog's cycle.

YOU may want to go over to the All experts Breeding and Whelping Experts.....they may be able to help better than I.

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers LPN MA

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