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a lot of barking coming from her crate

19 16:21:24

I have a 9 week old English bulldog that I have had for about 4 days. She barks pretty much non stop in her crate unless she is sleeping ( 30 minutes at the most). Is she still missing her mom and litter mates? When she is out of her crate she is very playful and never barks. Is there anything that can be done to slow the barking down?

Also, when she is active she makes a lot of loud gurgling sounds when she breaths. Especially when she eats, she is very loud. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow to get checked out.

If the barking gets her attention, then she will continue to bark. As hard as it is, ignore her and don't take her out of the crate until she is quiet. This is partly separation anxiety and partly attention getting.  She needs to be in a place where she can't see you when she's crated too.

The girgling sounds are pretty normal for a puppy this age. The vet will tell you she has a small airway and long soft palate.  If he even suggests surgery at this age, run.  Chances are she will out grow the necessity for it. Unless your puppy is in a life threatening situation, any surgery other than spaying or neutering should be put off until at least a year old.  That includes joint surgery too.