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Dog sitting an English Bulldog

19 16:18:57

I want to do the very best I can for this lovely 9 month old English Bulldog.  I
will have him for 3 to 4 weeks and I am feeding him Puppy dry food the best I
could find.  The owner did not leave instructions!!!!!  I cannot pick up his
poop because it's too soft, although not runny.  I feed him twice a day about
two cups each meal.  He never has accidents, sleeps a lot.  I would like to
bathe him because a friend told me he has a slight odor although quite
frankly I haven't detected anything horrible and I'm very sensitive to odors.  
He loves to play which is quite exhausting but I do by throwing alternate balls
which he retrieves.  Luckily I live by river wash which is very nice to walk dogs.  
Last thing when he sees another dog he wants to bound over and play but the
other dog's owner seem to think it's too aggressive and he's very hard to
control once he's decided he wants to play.  I'm a small person and he
probably weighs 50 lbs.  If you can help me with some of the above I would
be very grateful.  Sorry there are so many questions.   Thank you.

Ruth - so sorry you are having troubles... I can't believe the owner did not leave you any info on this bullie kid!
Go to the store and get some pepto bismol - tablets - give him 1 every 6 hrs for the next 2 days...
If this doesn't help you may need to see the vet for a stool culture.
He may have a bacteria or even worms in the stool.

Also, you can give canned pumpkin ( pure pumpkin no sugar added) - give him a tablespoons 2 x per day / will add fiber to his poops...
Makes the poop more formed.

You may need to see a vet if my suggestions don't help..
Good Luck
