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Sticky Vomiting and Lazy- Bulldog

19 16:23:49

I recently bought a 16 week old English Bulldog.  She has been very active and great unitl a few hours ago.  She began to get very quiet, and once she woke up she began to vomit a stomach full of food along with some very sticky clear fluid.  She acted similar to a cat when hacking up a hairball.   Any suggestions?

Sometimes if puppies get exhausted they will sleep and then vomit all their food. If she may have swallowed something, it could be an obstruction.

The white foamy, sticky stuff is phlem, nothing to worry about. It just comes along with the food.

You can let puppies play to the point of exhaustion. They're not smart enough to quit on their own.

If this vomiting continues, you need to get her to the vet asap.