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American Bulldog Smell

19 16:21:01

We have a 5yr old American Bulldog. She is beautiful but she smells something terrible. Some days she has a sour smell to her. She does have chronic ear issues but my husband tries to clean them daily and that seems to help but we can't figure out where the smell is coming from. She also has discharge from her left eye. Is it possible to give a dog allergy medicine? Sometimes I think if we did it would help her ears and eyes. She also licks her paws alot. They get really red inside and they also smell. She is such a good dog but I can't stand the smell anymore. My whole house stinks and especially the carpet. HELP!

Hi Debbie: sound like your bull dog girl has yeast overgrowth... This is common and why she is getting so many ear infections.  The overgrowth of yeast is in her intertines and travels thru her body.
I want you to change around her whole program:

Here are my suggestions:

First - change her food - do this slowly over a 3 week period of time..You will do 1/2 your food and 1/2 the new foods.
She must be allergic to corn and fillers that are in MANY foods ..
You will need to go to the Pet Store or order on-line "OK"
The food you need is Innova EVO - GRAIN free ( 99% grain free)  VERY good taste too!
If you can't find this, let me know.  Ask the pet store person to help you find it.

Next, I want you to start her on some salmon oil ( pure) each am - on top of her food - Just one teaspoon per day.  You can increase to two....after a month or so... See how she does on it.
Here is a link for a good salmon oil:
Look in the store for this:

Next, Go to NuVET Plus and have her start with a 90 day bottle.  NuVET Is a great skin and coat supplement ....It also helps prevent allergies and hot spots.  The cost of NuVET Plus is only .50 cents per day for the WAFER treats...
Tell them Marie SENT you -
You can call Joan at 1-800-474-7044 ext 265.  She can walk your thru the first order and explain our MONEY back Guarantee.
NuVET is NOT sold in any pet stores.  VETS and Groomers sell NuVET..
Buy from the company and save money on the VET price.
Mention Marie # 81098 The Doggie Chalet Hotel..

Last - lets get her on 1/2 cup of yogurt per day.  MUST be the active cultures like the brand ACTIVA.

Let me know if you have any questions about my suggestions.
Believe me - she has a major allergy/yeast problem.

Marie of NuVET / The Doggie Chalet Hotel