Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > my english bulldog feels hot. can he have a fever?

my english bulldog feels hot. can he have a fever?

19 16:20:04

this is my family's first english bulldog. my 2.5 year old english bulldog feels hot. could he have a fever? i don't really have the money to take him to the vet. he eating, drinking, and acting like himself. also he had anomona. he was given some antibiotics. he's doing better but he still has some congestion often. do you have any remedies? any advice for english bulldog would be great.

Amy - If this boy has had pneumonia, you need to take him to the vet for a follow up.  He could need another antibiotic for his congestion problem.. Bulldogs can die if they don't get the proper help for your vet.

I have supplements for you, After you have seen the vet.
Please call tomorrow,OK

Marie Peppers, LPN MA
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