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My questions......

19 16:21:27

I just want to no how old a Female American Bulldog  should be, before you breed her for the first time? And How old the Male should be (Or when he can make pups)?
Also can American Bulldogs have pups on there own or do they need help? can you do it yourself or should you take them to the vet? Also do you no how much it cost for a ver to deliver pups? thanks soo much.

A healthy male can produce viable sperm before he's a year old, but I would suggest waiting until he's at least a year and a half before using him for breeding.  A female should be 2 years old, in my opinion, before breeding. Although they are mature physically earlier, mentally, they're not ready for a litter of puppies.  They should be able to breed and deliver puppies on their own unless there is an unusual event.

C-section deliveries vary in cost depending upon where you live.  I pay between $5-800.  A friend of mine in PA pays $1200. Ask the vets in your area just to be on the safe side.