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6th month old bulldog

19 16:22:12

We have taken Nelson to the vets and been told he has a retained testicle and needs an op. to find it and then be castrated. He is booked in for Monday. He also needs some X Rays as his back legs are quite weak and give way. Is this the best way to go!!! and should i let the breeder know for their future reference.

This doesn't look good. The weakness in the rear could very well be caused by a hemi-vertebrae and that's what your vet is looking for. It's a vertebrae that is triangular shaped and putting pressure on the spinal cord, causing temporary paralysis. This gets worse and cannot be fixed.

I would have your vet xray the dog first before you go to the expense of surgical removal of the retained testicle. If his spine is causing the paralysis, he may have to be euthanized.  I would definitely contact the breeder and if you have a health guarantee, this puppy should be replaced. If you didn't get a guarantee, you're out of luck.