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My dog killled my sisters cat;

19 16:17:30

I have a 3 year old English bulldog who I love to death, but I am at a total loss of what to do today.  This morning I got back to my sister's house to find that he had killed one of her cats.  She has two other dogs(terriers) and one of them appeared to have participated(having blood and scratches) but my dog sustained more injuries.  Once before he got into a fight with another one of her cats, but the damage was minimal.
He grew up with a cat, has always been around them, but for some terrible reason sometimes he gets aggressive and now he's done the worst thing possible.
I don't know what I should do, do I put him down or get rid of him?  Or is this something I can re-train him not to do?  Is this typical behavior from English bulldogs?  95% of the time he is the sweetest big baby, scared of everything, but sometimes he just gets aggressive.

Please help, I don't know what to do :(

Hello Krissy - I don't think that your dog attacking a cat means that he would attack a human.  Cats and dogs have been known through the AGES Of TIME to sometimes HATE each other...
Yes, you do need help but I think this can be salvaged.
I am so sorry about the cat but this does happen more than you know.

Please call a trainer and have someone work with you and your dog on HIS Turff.. They ( the trainer) must come to you.  AFTER a few sessions you will be on the right track.

Any dog can do this - it has nothing to do with his breed.

Please call your vet and ask for a good trainer - explain you need someone that will travel to your home.

I wish I could be of more help!

AGAIN, I am so sorry for the cat ...

Marie Peppers LPN MA