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My American Bulldog puppy is itching and nibblig himself

19 16:15:18


I bought my american bulldog puppy about 4 weeks ago hes now 5 months old. hes had his injections been wormed and ive had him flead etc but he kept itching and i kept seeing the odd flea on him so i washed him with flea shampoo etc and he is still itching im getting paranoid about it ive sprayed my house and everything but im just getting worried about it now. please could you help me.

ANSWER: Hi katie, Do you have cats?  Or even stray cats around the area?  They can be the carrier of the fleas.
Make sure you keep you pup on a good natural flea product:
Cedarcide ( order on-line)
Critter Oil ( again on-line)
Google Search on them... Both quality products for your pets and home , too.

Good Luck
Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We do have cats in the area. but he hes been in the house mostly. Im either wondering if the flea spray for my house hasnt worked properly. its just so irratating and feel so sorry for him because hes just a puppy and im really trying to get them gone.

Yes, you need to treat your pup and the house, too.
Call your local vet about a good product for your pup.  You can use the natural cedarcide or other such products on pup and around the house.
Here is the link to cedarcide...