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My english bulldog has Pneumonia

19 16:19:46

QUESTION: I am not sure what is going on with my bulldog and I am really lost. Any advice would be extremely helpful.

Our bulldog is only 16 months.  In the last four months, he has had at least one seizure a month. I don't think his seizure have anything to do with his most recent medical issue. Any advice would be extremely helpful.

Our dog has been sick going on three weeks. He is now staying overnight at the vet going on five days.  He has been diagnosed with pneumonia. He is lethargic, not eating on his own and congested.  He is showing very little improvement and they have so much stuff going on with him. They put him on antibiotics, fluid treatment, flag, antiemetic, took X-rays, urine samples, and blood work.

I am thinking of bringing him home on Friday (two more days with the vet) and I will feed him with a syringe and give him antibiotics. His medical bills are climbing and I really don't know what else to do.

His kidneys are also enlarged from the ultrasound they took. So I will get the results from his Kidneys in the coming days.

Has anyone gone through this before?

Any advice or suggestions?

ANSWER: Hi Anglea- Wow, I am sorry your bullie is having so much trouble!
I wonder if he Aspirated during a seizure?  ( when you were away)
There is a bunch going on here and I can't help without more info.
I would need to know the results of his blood tests...
Also, what part of his lung is full of fluid?
Do they think he just aspirated some fluids?
Why to they think the kidneys are enlarged?

Please, if you can get more info.....I may be able to help better.
Tell your vet you are doing research.  You can also bring your boy into another vet for a Second opinion.

BEST wishes to you!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA
NuVET Plus - The best for your fur kid

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I will speak with my vet tonight when I go to see Chumper and find out the following questions regarding his lungs.  YES they think he aspirated some fluids during a possible seizure is what is being diagnosed. But they have never made mention about fluid in his lungs. I will find out about fluid in his lungs and what part, etc.

Per his kidneys, when we took him to the vet they did xrays and saw one of his kidneys but not the other. So they ran an ultrasound or scan and from there determined that his kidneys both were enlarged. They ran more test and will get the results in a couple of days. (I bought my bulldog from the vet, so he is covering the kidney scan costs, etc) I am covering the pneumonia costs.

My baby doesn't look good and I feel really bad for him. We visit him three times a day since he has been staying at the vet's office. It's really taking him a long time to recover! I will be in touch regarding blood work and fluid in his lungs.

Thank you so much for all your help. We truly appreciate it during these really stressing times.

Hi again - I am wondering why the vet did not put him on some seizure medications...???  Many dogs get seizures that are of unknown causes and they still do the meds.  Many times they never even find out why a dog is having seizure activity.

Many times with pneumonia there are fluids in certain lobes of the lung.  Ask him which lobes are in poor condition. Also, will you need to do some respiratory treatments at home.  It is easy to do and is like asthma treatments for a human.

I would be glad for you to contact me at my personal e-mail account.
Talk to you soon.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
The Doggie Chalet Hotel