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potty trainging

19 16:25:59

I understand that potty training takes time, but my boyfriend and I are getting very frustrated. We have a 10 wk old male and we have only had him for 2 wks. His habbits have changed in the past week where he would go outside and potty, and now we take him outside, just as much as we did earlier in the week, and he is only making in the house.  We put him in his crate,(when he goes makes in the house and when he bites our feet). It is in the living room where we can see him and he can see us, but he barks continuously.  Today was the first day he went potty in his crate, and yesterday he went on his bed. He eats and goes out 3 times in the morning before we go to work. When we go to work, we put him in a spare room upstairs with a tv and toys where he can be comfortable. We come home for lunch(12 pm) and then we are home by 5 pm where he is with us the rest of the evening. He looks so sad when we get angry, and I try to tell myself that he is only a puppy and will eventually figure it out, but how long should it take so I know when the stress will end? I need some pointers, please help me!  

You're expecting an awful lot from a little guy. With the amount of time he spends alone and/or crated, you're going to have some separation anxiety issues very soon. Getting angry at him isn't going to do anyone any good.

He's a baby and shouldn't be expected to be having any success with house breaking until at least 3 or 4 months of age with the schedule you keep. I expect that it will be more like 6 months before he's dependable. If you're already frustrated after 2 weeks of this, you need to take a good look at your situation.  The barking is because he wants to be near you. The biting is for attention and seeking someone to play with.

Perhaps you could find a doggy daycare in your area where he could go during the day, or someone to come in and spend time with him. I feel sad for the little guy.