Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > 8 month old pee problem

8 month old pee problem

19 16:24:08

Hi I have a special puppy .
She is a white English bulldog with aprox. 6 birth defect...

Since we have had her she pees in the house... Mainly at night. When you put her on the bed it is like 5 mins and she pees on the bed.  

How do i fix this problem ?  

First of all, I suggest having a urinalysis done to rule out things like a UTI or cystitis. This is very common in female puppies.

If you have some type of bedding in her crate, like a blanket or towel, even paper, take it out and make her sleep in a bare crate. It make take some time, but this should do it. All of my girls sleep in bare crates or they will pee on whatever is in there every time.

Also, I would pick up her water dish no later than 6 p.m. in the evening and let her out as late as possible.  She's still a puppy too.