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right ear, used few drops alcohol, now worse! HELP PLEASE

19 16:08:04

My daughter's Biloxer,(Bulldog/Boxer) has every allergy in the book. Three years old and feed natural balance, changed to taste of the wild, both are grain free. Rosie has had wet ear and vet said treat her allergies with Benadryl.Vet gave some ear cream for yeast. I used few drops of alcohol (BIG MISTAKE). I have no money right now and need to soothe the ear until I get paid. Please help if possible ASAP.

Oh Boy!  Go to the GNC Store or Local Vitamin Store and ask for some Aloe Vera Gel or liquid.
Place some on a cotton ball or cotton pad.  Pat into the ear.  This will take away the sting and dry effect of the Alcohol..

Here is what you can do in the future for the Ears and the allergies:

My post on the Sharpei with Bad allergies and yeast:

Also see:
All the items, mentioned in this post, can be used for your Bulldog/Boxers allergies and yeast control.... Yeast is the side effect of allergies.
YOUR pet may have many Environmentl allergies.....
Save my site for future use... ( Buy some products and save money on VET visits)

Good Luck!

Marie Peppers LPN MA