Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > 6 month old old english bulldog has hives; bulldog itchy allergies;

6 month old old english bulldog has hives; bulldog itchy allergies;

19 16:15:26

she has hives and they are very itchy.I tryed childrens benadryl but it does't seem to be working good enough(my vets suggestion)She is fed purina beneful puppy formula.Seems to be some sort of allergy,could this be from hay,grass,or grain in her food?What are your suggestions?

Itchy bulldog?  Did you check out my site?
Let me know if you need more help?

Hi Gary, YOU would not believe how many English bullies I work with for Allergies!
Yes, I would be very happy to help you and your little bullie.

The Benadryl should have been (1) 25 mg (pink pill) every 8-12 hours.  That will work for temp help to reduce the inflammation.

Here is a Plan for you two.
1.  Please slowly get her off this Purina pup food.  Too much Corn which can cause allergies.
Look for Innova PUP; Wellness PUP; Merrick PUP or Chicken Soup for the PUP lover's Soul...
Mix the new food and the old food for 2 weeks.  Then, after the 2 weeks go to the NEW food only.

2.  Please see my itchy dog page:
The supplements I refer to MOST of my bulldog client:
Take the 60 day trial and see... ( guaranteed to work)
Also, check out the TEA Tree oil / HOT spot spray .... great and healing.

With the food change and a new doggie allergy supplement, you should see results in LESS than 3 weeks.

Marie Peppers LPN MA    ( my private e-mail)
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