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10 wk bulldog is sick

19 16:22:11

Hi there. Any advice is much appreciated. I bought my bulldog from a great source.  I've had her 1 week today (fri 05/18) Tuesday I took her to the vet for the first time for her 1st round of vaccinations (She turned 10 weeks old on Thursday) However, Wed Night she started wheezig, coughing   Vet took her in today and said she was dehydrated, gave me some medicine.  She is lethargic.  I'm reall worried.  SHe has not been around other dogs, as they I know not to do that since she hasn't had all of her shots yet.  But I have a bird (2) a grey timneh, and a hahns macaw.  But they don't hang out.  Could she have gotten something from the birds? Or possible picked up somthing from where other dogs run outside in the grass??  Thanks for any help.  - Hope  

Anything she made have with regard to viral infection has a 7 days incubation period for the most part, sometimes 10. So chances are, if she's sick, she was sick when you got her. However, this could very well be a reaction to a vaccination. Are you saying this puppy had NO shots before you got her?  Puppies, Bulldog puppies especially, do not react well especially when they are very young. This is nothing she picked up from your birds.

It's possible she may have picked up something from other dogs if you had her out in public the day you got her, but doubtful if she had any shots at all beforehand.

Keep a good eye on her and if he appears to be having trouble breathing, rush her to the vet.  If you're not getting results from your vet, seek out a different one.

Good luck.