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puppy aggression

19 16:20:26

I have a 8wk old Eng. bulldog.  He was the runt of the bunch.  He bites all the time.  He is aggressive.  Is this just puppy behavior and what is the best method with getting this under control.  We have 3 other dogs. Eng/American female mix 1 1/2 yr., 2 pomeranians male 6yr and female 2.5 yrs. If there any special way to introduce them.  We are letting our puppy grow alittle, before we put them together, he is only 8lbs. Our big english has health/allergies issues.  We were real careful with selecting this puppy, his parents did not have any health issues, should he be the same?

Hi Lois:  
Sounds like you have a nice group of doggies!

The baby needs to learn about biting and bite inhabition.
You need to say a Loud "NO" or Cry out like he has hurt you.
He won't want to hurt you and may stop mouthing and biting you.

Also, it the above doesn't work, you can teach him with a Spray water bottle... Every time he bites you spray his little face and say " NO Bite".

  Make sure you yelp loudly:  Here is an example of what I mean:
When he bites, yelp loudly and turn your back on him for a minute.  *** ignore him, and make sure everyone else in the family does.
After a couple of minutes, you can play with him again - but if he bites, yelp loudly again and turn away from him for a few more minutes.

This won't work overnight, but it is a proven way to teach your puppy bite inhibition. Give it a try and see.

Now, as for his health and allergies.... All English Bulls and bulldogs in general, tend to have skin and coat problems.  They tend to become allergic to different things, over time.
I would suggest you keep his immune system strong with NuVET Plus ... This is the BEST skin and Coat / Immune System Booster in the Country..
Take a look at my web site for more info.. He will love the wafer treats.

Good luck with your little one -  Any other question, please let me know.....????

Thanks and Good night!

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Pooch Hotel in Alaska