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Bulldog chin ?rash?

19 16:23:25

Last night our bulldog had two red bumps on her chin. This afternoon, the bumps have multiplied to two separate clusters on each side of the underside of her chin (you can't see them face on) and one bled. I can't tell if it is just spontaneously bleeding or if she scraped it. We switched her over to a new food - gradually, like you're supposed to - but that was last week and the bumps just showed up so I don't think that's it. I washed it with antibacterial soap, dried it well and put neosporin on it (which she rubbed on the floor and licked!). Is there another home remedy I should try or should I take her to the vet for this? I can send you a photo if it will help.

Thank you,


This is commonly referred to as puppy pyoderma, juvenile acne. You can clean it with 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and warm water. Dry it well and put on the Neo and rub it in good. Do this 3 times a day.

If it continues to spread, you may want to go to your vet. Often you'll see similar bumps on the belly and inner thighs as well. This can evolve into a staph infection rather quickly.  The vet will probably recommend Cephalexin as an antibiotic just to be on the safe side.