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English BullDog - Maverick - Training

19 16:26:34

I am having a difficult time training my 9 month old dog.  He pees and poops everywhere in the house?  I tried crate training but he would lay right in his feces.  I haven't had him neutered yet, will that help?  Also, I belive he ejaculated the other day.  Could this be - isn't he too young?

This is a new one.  I've never heard of a Bulldog that would actually sleep in his own excrement. You didn't mention how long he's left alone either in the crate or out before this happens. Maybe if it's a long day, that could be the answer. He's definitely old enough for ejaculation and neutering could very well make your live easier, but there are no guarantees that it would solve the problem entirely.  The sooner the better is my suggestion.