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Bulldog pooping in crate

19 16:19:53

Hi Majorie. Thanks for all your previous help. I do however have another question. We have a 13 week English Bulldog and have had her for 2 weeks now. She has taken immediatly to the crate and has never peed or pooped in it before...until last night. I woke at 2.30am to find that she has pooped in her crate. (We awake every day at around 2.30 to take her out.)I have noticed though that her poop has been getting more runny since we got her. At first it was quite dark, long and solid, but now it is quite thick and sludgy. The breeder was feeding her James Wellbeloved -but we have changed her to Bakers complete puppy food. Could the change in food be the reason for her suddenly pooping in her crate? If so do you reccommend changing her back to the food that the breeder was feeding her? Other than that she seems to be in good health - she has been wormed and is quite a happy puppy. Any advise on this would be much appreciated. Thanks


Hi Avril - yes the food change could have something to do with this. How about getting some metamucil plain powder...YOU can get this at Walmart or a supermarket.  Give this boy 1 teaspoon full in the morning food ( mix in), And give 1/2 of a teaspoon in the evening food.
Also, try to feed him before 6 pm if possible.

The Metamucil will help to keep his stools firmer.
Do this just for about a week or so.

I sure hope this helps your boy!!

Good Luck with all...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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