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Bulldog on Bulldog aggresion

19 16:25:44

I have a male English Bull who will be three years old in two months. This past fall I bought a female English Bull who is now nine months old. They get along really well. Winston (male) has been so patient and gentle towards Abigail. The problem is in the past week or so, they'll just start going at each other.It's not over toys or food, they both just get that look in their eyes. Blood has been drawn. It seems to happen when my boyfriend is over more than any other time. Winston is not nuetered. I had gotten Abie with for companionship for Winston and hopefully for breeding, simply because he is such an awesome dog and normally a big teddy bear. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do? Thanks.  

This is part territorial, part jealousy, part lack of respect for you as his owner.

First of all, let me suggest that you neuter him asap and also spay your female.  This puts them on neutral, even ground.

Secondarily, see if you can get him in to obedience classes. If he doesn't respect you, he will never obey you. He needs to know that he's not running the show.

Last but not least, none of this may work. You simply may have to make a choice over which dog you would prefer to keep. Bulldogs who are raised as only children for the first year or two often develop spoiled brat behavior that can never be rectified. They are destined to be only spoiled children their whole lives.

The sure thing is, if the behavior continues and you do nothing, one of them is going to get seriously injured.  Best of luck.