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Very shy bulldog

19 16:25:45

My wife and recently purchased a 9 month old bulldog named Daisy.  She is as gental and loyal as we had hoped she would be, but she seems to be extremely afraid of males, exspecially me.  She will not come out of her crate when my wife is at work, she will not wlak with me or show any affection.  She is the complete opposite with my wife and her girl friends.  Is there anything i could do to help?  She is an extremly happy puppy, but i feel very badly that she is so depresed when i am around.

You're a good guy to be concerned about Daisy's behavior toward you. She's obviously been traumatized by a male somewhere along the way.

Just be patient with her. Don't force the issue but do try to gain her trust in fun ways. Spend time with her one on one whether it's a ride or a walk. Make every minute she spends with you fun, no demands. Find a special treat for her that only you give her. She'll come around, but it will take real effort on your part and a time.  Best of luck.