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agressive behavior toward other dogs

19 16:23:02

I have a 2 year old male English bulldog that shows extreme aggression toward other dogs. Any time a neighborhood dog walks by the fence he lunges, barks, jumps and acts out of control. He will run the entire length of the fence after the other dogs and you can't control him to get him away. Help...what can I do to stop this behavior?

This is a perfectly normal response by any male dog on his own property. He's defending his territory in his mind.

Neutering would be good if not done already. Obedience classes for the socialization aspect of it would also be a good idea. You could put some type of sight barrier on his side of the fence so he can't see other dogs as they pass too.  As a last resort, you could invest in a shock collar and shock him every time he starts this. Eventually, he'll stop but I hate shock collars, especially for Bulldogs.

Don't blame him for being a dominant male