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Pee & Poop everywhere!!!

19 16:21:16

I've got a 13 weeks english bulldog puppy. Every morning when we wake up around 8:30, there would be at least 2 pee spots and 4 poops laying everywhere. We leave her food and water out consistantly. Is this wrong? Both me and my husband goes to work in the morning and comes home around midnight,and we would see it eveywhere.what is the best way to train her to do her business outside the house or on a pad?

The best way to train her is to have someone take care of her during the day. How do you expect her to learn anything if you're not home? How can she learn to "do her business" outside if no one takes her out during the day? SHE'S A BABY!

You can't leave food and water down 24/7. Her dishes need to be picked up about 6 in the evening and she needs to go out as late as possible. House training will take months with your schedule so you need to accept this or make other arrangements for the puppy.