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British Bull Dog Pees in Crate

19 16:24:12

Hello. We are crate training our almost 5 month old bulldog "Lydee" and have done so since she came to us at 12 weeks old. She never spends more than 4 hours in her crate at a time, yet she pees in her crate more often than not.  The crate is not too big (big enough for her to lie down in).  She will also pee inside the house shortly after having peed outside.  We are very consistent with taking her out, after she wakes, eats, naps and farts!  I am beginning to think she does it as punishment for putting her in her crate or because she knows that I will take her out after she has peed in it to clean her and the crate up.  I think she is just being stubborn.  How can I break her of this habit?  We are in dire straights, as we have black shag carpet which makes it difficult to find where she is peeing!

Thank you.

If you have anything in her crate for bedding, take it out and make her sleep in a bare crate until this stops. Limit her water intake after 6 p.m.

It might be a good idea to have a urinalysis done too just in case she has a UTI going on. It's very common is females and will cause them to pee more often.

I suggest bare feet to find those spots in the carpet!