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soft pallet surgery

19 16:18:25


Hello- I have a 1 1/2yr. old frenchie/boston who may need surgery on his soft pallet.  I am bringing him in again next week, but was curious what you thought.  I am listening to the vet, but worry with the risk of putting him under to have the surgery.  He often gags, but doesn't actaully throw up (or at least not out of his mouth if he does).  At what point do you think it is necessary, and what makes it life threatening?  I trust my vet, but I know it is still their business- you know?  Thanks for any help...I'll take the info along with the vet's and decide.  Thanks!


A soft pallet is very common in snub nose breeds.  With that said, we have had several pugs, English & French bulldogs over the years, and never have had surgery.

Please remember that since I haven't seen your pup, it is impossible to tell you what to do.  All I can tell you are some guidelines.

I would not have surgery unless his problems are life threatening.  This is where you will have to decide and listen what your vet has to say.  If your pup is just gagging, but not spitting up food, the problem might not be serious enough to warrant surgery.

You should always get a second opinion.  If another vet agrees that this is life threatening, then you should probably have the surgery.

Or if YOU don't believe it is as bad (you are the one that sees him every day), you could just wait to see if things get worse.  It should be your decision.

If you decide on the surgery, the surgery should not have much risk.

Hope this helps!!!
Christine Puetz