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? knee pain in bulldog

19 16:16:56

Hi. I have a 4month old female bulldog who has been very playful and not having any problems running around with the neighbors dog. She was doing fine last night when I put her into her cage and when she came out this morning she is limping and not using her right rear leg. She toe touches but generally keeps the leg flexed at the knee and does not want to bear weight.
Her bones feel intact on palpation. There is pain with passive extension and manipulation of the leg. I am not sure if the pain is in her knee or her hip but I feel it may be the knee. It seems to be an acute onset problem. Do you have any suggestions.


It sounds like your bulldog has injured herself, especially since it came on suddenly.

Bulldogs are prone to hip problems, but it usually will not show up suddenly, but a gradual onset.

If you don't see improvement, you should see your vet.

Christine Puetz