Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > Limp


19 16:20:51

Our bulldog is almost 8 and developed a limp almost overnight. The leg has changed from back to front and she is definitely stiffer after lying on the couch for awhile. Her appetite is back now and seems more lively. Any ideas??

Hi kate-  Well, it could be a little arthritis or a patella problem.  Hard to say without an x-ray...
I would suggest a baby asprin per day ( 81 mg) 1 per day or 1 every 12 hours.  See if this helps the limp and mobility of the leg.

Also, a good supplement - NuVET Plus is the BEST and only about .50 cents per day... Get your bulldog on NuVET Plus ASAP
here is the link - Not found in any stores...only by the Vet office at a higher price or on-line at:

The wholesale website thru the company:

Let me know how things go.  I may have some othere suggestions... try the baby asprin first.  Ok.

Good luck

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Pooch Hotel