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EBD Jazzy

19 16:20:51

Last night while cleaning the four corners of my baby I noticed a bump on her chest. It is about the size of a pencil eraser,red, and slightly raised. It looks like a mole, but obviouly it's new. It is not causing any discomfort. I put Neosporin on it thinking that it may not help...but it surely won't hurt.  Any thoughts as to what this could be, or any remedies would be wonderful!  Also, I LOVE your site! i think I've read all your archives!  Thanks!

Hi Terrie-  thanks for the nice words!

I love Engish Bullies!!!  Love that face!!

As far as little Jazzy, not sure on this one.... The Neosporin can't hurt... Sometimes a bug bite can be very hard, red and raised.  A spider can cause this kind of bump.

You can call your vet and ask about giving Benadryl... If the Benadryl works then you know it was a reaction to a bug bite?  

If the benedryl doesn't work, I would take a visit to the vet.

The regular dosage is here:

Benadryl Treats allergies, itching, insect stings, bites

1/2 mg per/lb every 8 hrs, maximum 2 mg per/lb

Example - Your dog's weight is 10 lbs - you can give 5 to 20 mg every 8 hrs.  ( you need to buy the childrens tablets and put them in cheese)
If you have a dog over 20 lbs, then you can buy the adult tablet dosages..

Hope this helps -

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel
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