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Strange discharge from English Bulldog

19 16:15:25

We have a 2 year old white English BD. She is just coming out of a 3 week heat cycle. The past three days we have noticed a Brownish/whitish-slimy discharge coming from her, that has been getting everywhere. It has no odor, but frankly it is really gross. We plan to breed her next heat cycle so we dont want to have her spayed yet. I basically wanted to know if this discharge was normal, or is it a sign of some kind of infection. This did not happened in her last 2 heat cycles. Thanks

Female Bulldog discharge; bulldog heat cycle ; white english bulldog;
Hi Terra,  Well, since you want to breed her in the next cycle, call the vet for some blood work.
The secretions you have mentioned can be normal.  I would have a good check over before you breed her.  So, it wouldn't hurt to see the vet very soon.
Explain to them your desire to breed her in the next 5-6 months.

BEST wishes...
Marie Peppers LPN MA

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