Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > skin problems and swollen pussy feet. ; silver minerals for pets;

skin problems and swollen pussy feet. ; silver minerals for pets;

19 16:10:56

Hi I have an english bulldog and he has been to the vets constantly for the past 4 months, he has hair loss on his back leg, a little on his neck, under his chest and his skin is black in patches. He also smells really bad and his feet are very swollen and pussy and they bleed, he has been taikng prednicolone and that work great for his feet but nothing else he has now come off them as they are steroids and straight away his feet are back pussy and swollen, he has been on antibiotics maliseb shampoo he had a skin test and they said he had no mites under his skin so its not that and it could be allergy's, he is in so much pain with his feet I just want it to get better, I feed him pedigree chum canned pet food.

Can you please tell me whats wrong with him and how to get him better.

Silver for bulldogs;  collsilver;
Give me and update?  Wondering how things are going?

bulldog with swollen feet; bulldog skin patches;

Hi Gina, Is there any way you can place booties on this dog?  Many places sell them - especially for dogs that deal with snow and ice.  I am wondering if your dog has allergies to the grass and dirt?
If that is the case, you will need to wipe the paws every time he comes in from outside.  
The other option is to place booties on him for anytimes outside of the home.

For wipes - we just like the unscented baby wipes.
Also, if there is a health food store in your area......Please buy a bottle of Silver -

Give this baby some of this - Collsilver:

Silver can be used for a few months at a time - Place in water dish, food - or even direct onto baby wipe and then pat onto open areas on the paws.

BEST wishes!!!!

Marie Peppers / ASK the VET Nurse