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puppy limping

19 16:24:03

I Have A 19 Week Old American Bulldog.
He Has Started To Limp On His Front Right Leg,
I Have Taken Him To My Vet Who Told Me That All His Joints Are Fine But I Am Still Very Concerned.
Could You Give Me Any Idea Of What Could Be Causing It
Many Thanks

You need to determine what part of the leg or shoulder the limp is coming from. If it's the shoulder, it could be panostitis aka pano which is often referred to as "growing pains" and will resolve itself over time. However, your puppy is young to have this.

Allowing the puppy to play to the point of exhaustion will also cause lameness or rough play with older dogs. Keep the puppy on limited exercise for a few days and give her an aspirin a day and see if this helps. Only leash walking and no playing.  Once the lameness is gone, keep track of her activity should it occur again.  At least you'll know then what the cause is.