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bulldog weight and food!! for India;

19 16:15:06

I have a 7month old english bulldog.Here in india we dnt get all the brands of good dry food.he was on royal canin puppy food till about 5 months.but he started putting on my vet put him on Propett wellness food for large breed puppy.he is fine with it.i feed him thrice a day and little curd at around 1 noon.he weighs 25kgs as of now.i dnt know where i am wrong or is it ok for a bully to be 4-5 kgs do i correct help offers him treats in form of dog biscuits and chew sticks in between.kindly help.waiting ur reply eagerly.

Hi Gini, I see what the problem is for your bulldog.  You new need to go to the Adult food - do a mix of the puppy Propett Wellness and the Adult form at a 50:50 mix for 3 weeks.
AFTER 3 weeks, let's go right to 100% adult dog food only.
The Pup food is putting too much weight onto this baby.
Also, break all the treats into half.  He will be happy with a small sized treat....

HOPE this helps.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
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