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peeing and pooing

19 16:22:22

Hi, our bulldog is 11 months old we have had him for about 3 months, he is fed twice a day 08.00 hours and again 16.00 hours, during the day he does all his toileting outside, he is last let out at night at about 23.00 hours but every single night i am woken up by the smell of him pooing and peeing in the kitchen where he sleeps. I thought he should have grown out of this by now ! I tell him off and put him outside, bring him in again and shut him back in the kitchen, but he seems not bothered by it all and the same thing happens the next night and the next ect. Could you please give me some advice on how to cope with this. Thanks

At his age he can go to one meal a day which should be in the morning. This should end the problem you're having. Scolding him won't bother him in the least. If he has to go, he's going to go in the middle of the night.

Also, pick up his water dish after 6 p.m. and let him out as late as possible for his last pee/poo trip.