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19 16:20:58

QUESTION: My Daisy turned 9 mths April 4, and I think she is having her first heat. How do I handle this?

ANSWER: Hi Iris:  Did you want to breed Daisy?  In not, after this heat, please go to the vet for a spay visit.  
As for this heat "season", you will need to make sure that no males are near her. ( Intact males)

You can go to the store and buy her a pad/belt kit.  You can also keep her crated and on newspaper.  It would depend on how much she bleeds.  Some females large or small can bleed very lightly for 20 days.  Others, bleed very heavy for 10 days or more.

Just remember, she is much too young to have pups.  

Best wishes on this!!!

Marie of NuVET Plus - The best dog supplement- Vitamin in the USA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If Daisy had her first heat 4/14 it should be over by 5/4 and six months after would be November 14th to get her second heat. By then she would be 1 yr and 4 months. Would she be ready to breed? If yes, and gets pregnant, how long is pregnancy and what happens then?

Hi:  they like you to wait 15 mos to 2 yrs old.  She is not fully grown at 15 months....almost.
Most breeders like to have the dogs 18 months or older..

As far as pregnancy questions: I am not the one to answer... you can go to our All experts breeding *** Experts ...Ok
BEST wishes on all

Marie of Doggie Chalet and NuVET Plus
*** the BEST doggie Vitamin in the USA