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Luxated Patella surgery after TPOL? / NuJOINT Plus and Omega 3 oils / pet nurse marie ....

19 16:17:47

Josie Girl!
Josie Girl!  
QUESTION: help! I have a 2 year old American Bulldog named Josie. She will be two next month. Last march she tore her acl and we paid $3400 for the TPLO surgery. I took her back for follow ups and everything seemed ok. Now she is limping occasionally. I took her back last week and she has a Luxated patella. Surgeon says surgery will cost $2400. We can not afford this. We love our Josie but have two small children and I lost my job last May. What do we do? This has occured in her right hind leg. The vet states that if we do not do the luxated patella surgery, she will tear her acl in her right leg?

ANSWER: Donna, I sure do understand your concern about this.  YES, she can heal without surgery but she will have arthritis in the knee.

Here is what I wrote to someone else in the SAME situation as your Josie Girl...

Thanks for the PHOTO - Soooooo cute!  I love bullies.


This Was to MIKE about his Bulldog:

Marie Peppers - wrote:

Hello Mike:  Your kid has some genetic issues going on here.  He is way to young to be having this ( all ) the problems.  Make sure the breeder knows about this.... So they don't keep breeding this problem into the line.

Ok, Yes, I can help your boy.  Glad you saw the second vet and got that every so important Second opinion.

Ok, He looks like a beautiful dog and with some good food, supplements and range of motion, he could have a long productive life.
Yes, Hold off on all surgeries.  The two back legs are always a problem.  When one goes ( the patella or the ligament), guess what??? **the other one soon goes, too.

A chronic problem for this breed and many other breeds.

I have some ideas to go along with what the " second opinion" vet is doing: Here is what I would like to see:

First - Make sure we keep this boy's  weight down. ....  He looks wonderful, but the key to his leg ( limb) health will be a lean body. Let me know what you are feeding / We many need to change him to a weight loss formula mixed with his regular adult dog food.
Again, the key is KEEPING his weight down.  He will not be able to exercise as he once did... I will need to put some limits on how you exercise him.  I will get to that after we talk supplements ...

Next, Supplements - there are a few this boy will need for a life time- This will help to reduce any pain, stiffness and swelling that may happen over time.  **** There is no guarantee this boy will not get arthritis in the 3 limbs that are bothering him.  But, with good supplements he can have a pain free of low-pain life.
1.  NuJOINT Plus - this is Wonderful - We have many clients taking this - only purchased thru Holistic Vets - you can use my referral and call the Manufacturer - they will get it right out to you.
Call 1-800-474-7044  ( give my name : Marie Peppers and code : 81098)
Tell them his weight and ask them about the 15% off Discount:
I will place a link to this product below:  Again, write down my name and order code - they can't sell to the public without it.
( made FDA quality here in the USA)

2.  NuVET Plus - GREAT immune system booster and skin/coat healer/ All NuJOINT doggies take NuVET Plus also.  I have place a link below for your review on NuVET - Gives a 60 day Money Back guarantee on the two products.
NuVET will cost you about 1.20 per day - He will need 2 wafers at .60 cents each ( MOST dogs only need one but he is a big boy)
UNDER 75 lbs - they only need about 1 per day....  

( GIVE to 2 per day for a number of weeks....)

3.  Omega 3 from Nature's Sunshine:

This is wonderful and FRESH from the FDA grade manufacturer here in the USA.
He would need 2 per day - here is the link to order:
Because of his size 2 per day - human grade product:
YOU can take some too!  Good for your muscles and bones....joints>

As for Exercise -

Leash walking - NO fast start or stops....

What I mean is No ball play - that is a fast start and stop...
Do you know what I mean...
A nice brisk walk is fine.  Try not to allow him to run off leash.
He may go to fast and then stop too fast. Controlled walks and not quite a run - very brisk walking.

Here are the links to NuVET and NuJoint and TESTIMONIALS:
Keep in contact with me!
I am here for you two...

NuVET wafers:

NuVET - order code 81098  ( Ingredients)

NuJOINT Plus -

Happy clients:

****  I hope this POST helps - Use some good supplements and the area will heal on it's own.....
Any questions - I am here at

Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick your answer to the other guy you mentioned no running off that forever or for a limited time? If we get the surgery, is it possible she will have arthritis in the same knee anyway. we noticed she has been limping for a few months. we thought the tpol surgery would have been succesful. is it common for an acl tear to occur first and than a luxated patella. Just purchased pet insurance but they said a luxated patella at age two is hereditary??? we paid $1000 from a breeder....i guess i should let the breeder know about this as well.

Hi - The pet insurance will say it is a pre-existing condition..... yes, tell your breeder about the troubles your kid is having.

As far as the surgeries, they fail sometimes but you are almost always going to get arthritis even if you had the surgery.

I would go with some good nutrition and no running.  Give the area a chance to heal as it will.
No running for some time - Down the road you may be able to play ball again.  Hard to say with this situation.
Yes, sure does sound genetic.  Your breeder may offer you another dog but I am sure she won't pay the medical bills.

So sorry about this!!!!  Good Luck

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse...