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Bed wetting and attitude

19 16:24:08

I have two bulldogs, one nearly five the other nearly 3, they are half brothers. The youngest is the happiest, obediant, loving dog you could wish for. However, his brother is a different story all together. He constantly wets his bed, we have tried caging him, it's makes no difference he will wet his bed regardless. I can let him out at midnight and he will still wet. They now share a bed and snuggle up together, but he will still wet. He has always been a bit of miserable bugger but he seems to be getting worse, he will not go out in the garden without a fight each night, he grawls and I am concerned that he may bite me.
When we got the youngest (Ernie), he (Oscar)showed who was boss and would beat up Ernie, specially when food was about you is the more dominant one so he is always fed first, so I thought at first that he was just marking his territory, but I think he is just plain lazy. Please help !  

If this is incontinence, it could be due to a number of things, not the least his age. If he's awake doing this, then perhaps he has a UTI or bladder infection. Have a urinalysis done and see if anything shows up.

Raising 2 males of any breed together is always a crap shoot. Eventually one decides the other has to go and it's not an easy situation at all. Because of his age, this will probably get worse instead of better unfortunately, and his bad attitude won't improve much either.

Sorry I can't be more optomistic on this one.