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Frenchbulldog puppies

19 16:19:50

We have a 5 1/2 month old French Bulldog (Roxy) and we are thinking about breeding her for family and friends.  We have never breed a dog before and were wondering approximately when she would go into her first heat and when would be the best age to breed her.  She is AKC registered.

Hi Laura - I love Frenchies - there is a little boy Frenchie on my personal web page , below is the link:

Anyway, yes, your gal can breed after she is 15 months or older. Most people wait for the 2nd heat ( season).  Your Roxy's first season will be between 8-12 months of age and the second season will happen about 6 months after the first.

Before you breed her make sure you have a few blood tests done for any genetic problems.  Glad to see she is AKC papered.  Also, have her mate checked for genetic diseases too.

Next, please be aware that many times this breed has to have a C-section for delivery.

Make sure you consider a good supplement / vitamin for your Roxy.  
Great nutrition will help mom to be healthy and strong.  Also, supplements help to keep the VET away, too.

Here is a link to my web page and some supplement info..

Thanks and best wishes!

Marie Peppers