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Bully Biting

19 16:22:40

My bulldog puppy is a bit over 7 months old. he is a sweet dog but often wants to play rough, which for him includes biting. He is 40 lbs. now and will only get larger. I have had a trainer come in and work with him for 4 weeks, but about all he's gotten out of it is "sit" and "down." I'm not sure what to do about this problem. When he does bite, I am firm, grab him by the scruff of his neck and yell "No Bite". Still...he bites. What can I do?

First of all, you are the one the dog needs to respect, not a trainer. I suggest you take the dog to an obedience class yourself. This will be a great asset to you in the future.

As for the biting, when he bites you really hard, bite him back.  Don't say a word or react sharply, just take his paw, bite his toe until he squeals, GROWL at him sternly, and walk away. Ignore him for a few minutes and then go about your business. This sounds strange, but it works.