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englishbulldog growling

19 16:15:11

Hi there, i am a brand new 1st time puppy owner, 11 wk old english bulldog 101 here i come?... 2 days ago he began biting like a tazm devil, and follows with now serious growling and nipping when we try to take him out or do s/thing he doesn't want to do. help!!! can you recommend a good training book? i plan to take him to a petco puppy class for 6 wks, any other helpful hints you can add would be greatly appreciated!!!Thxs! Patty


Bulldogs love to chew!  They have very strong jaws, so you definitely want to break him of it now when he is young.

When he bites or nips, you have to make a negative consequence to it.  I think the best way it so whack him on his nose (with your finger) or take the nape of his neck and give him a little shake.  You don't want to hit him, but just give a little sting.  You have to do it every time for him to learn.  

Don't LET him bit when you are playing with him because he will learn that biting is OK and then he will be confused later when you reprimand him.

I really like Sirius Puppy Training, but it is more for obedience training.

Hope this helps,
Christine Puetz