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Bullies bad skin

19 16:21:17

My sweet bullie is 16 months old. When I got him at 9 weeks, he had a URI that turned into pneumonia. I could bear to give him back so I stuck it out for 2 weeks of constant bed side care. When he was about 6 months old, he developed Demodex. I am told this happens when their immune system is compromised. He underwent 7 Mitaban dips was scrapped 2 more times and cleared. He has since had two more outbreaks and I've used Ivermectin (breeder Recommended). The first bought cleared up with .8 ML every 2 weeks. But this one won't clear up. Now she said to use 1 & 1/2 cc every week until it clears up. Any advise on this ? Why does he keep having recurrences ? And how do I kick it out for good ?? Help, he's my baby and I hate seeing him itchy and losing hair :-(

The dips are so toxic I can't believe a vet gave your dog 7 of them. Good grief.

My vet recommends 1/10th cc of Ivomectin per 10 lbs. of dog (a 50 lb. dog would get 1/2 cc)every day for a week, then every other day for 2 weeks, then once a week until it's gone and/or you're not seeing any new lesions. If it makes him sick then you need to back off to every 2 or 3 days.

HOWEVER, localized demodex usually resolves by a year of age. The fact that your dog is still have bouts of this makes me believe he has generalized demodex which is basically incurable.  Now, if your dog isn't neutered, get it done as soon as he is stable. This might help.

If Ivomectin given at the dosages I just mentioned don't get rid of it for good, I'm afraid you're in for a long haul.