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potty training problems

19 16:20:29

Hi.  My family and I are having real problems getting our potty trained.  She is now 11 months old.  She really has had a problem with this from the word go.  When she was younger she used to pee in her crate and sleep in it.  My mom was very diligent about taking her out right before she went to bed.  She has actually broken this habit, but now she seems to go to the bathroom, poop and pee, inside all the time.  She doesn't seem to understand that she has to go to the bathroom outside.  We are very diligent about taking her out about every 30 min to hour or so.  We also now started taking her out the same door every time of the day.  She very rarely tells us when she has to go outside.  We usually have to force her out.  She is extremely lazy and always wants to stay inside.  In the morning she is the best.  She is very good about going outside several times, but if we aren't diligent about taking her out, she wont tell us she has to go and just go inside on the floor.  We are tired of cleaning up pee in the house and feel she is too old to be doing this so frequently. We dearly love the dog, but will she ever learn to go outside or will we be dealing with this forever?

Hi:  This sounds strange...  Have you been to the vet to have her checked for a Urinary Tract infection or a hormone problem?  You sound like you are doing everything right!
If you don't think it is a medical problem .... then please take this question over to the Behavior experts:
here is a link:

BEST wishes and I hope the expert above can help you...

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel and NuVET Plus