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Bulldog peeing in her bed

19 16:20:29

I have a 7 year old bulldog that I got in December from a lady who used to breed her. Since getting her I bought her a bed that she would sometimes pee on during the night and also has peed on the couch. I have also talked to my vet about it and she is on medicine for incontinence just to make sure that was not the problem. The medicine solved the leaking problem but now that I have replaced her bed she still pees on it either during the night when we are sleeping or during the day while we are gone. Occasionally she will still pee on the couch also. My question is what would cause her to do this at a rather frequent rate considering she has pee pads that she also uses during the day.

Hi Sergio:  This gal may have had many litters of pups.  If that is the case she has a weak bladder possibly related to all the deliveries.  ( this happens to humans too)

There are surgeries that can be done for a prolapsed bladder.  Also, your vet can up the DES hormone tablet that she is taking 2 times per week.. She may need more so that she doesn't have so much leakage.

This bulldog was most likely abused by breeding TOO many times.  I know this is not your fault and it was great that you adopted her.

Have your vet do an ultrasound to see if the bladder needs repair.
If you don't have the funds for a surgery, then make sure she does not have "RUN of the house", when you are not home.

BEST of luck!!!

Marie of The Doggie Chalet
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