Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bulldogs > have a bulldog/retreiver about...

have a bulldog/retreiver about...

19 16:26:25

have a bulldog/retreiver about 2 years old.last night she had a litter of puppies 13 in all,only 10 made it. of one of the dead she actually ate one,have you ever heard of,researched any thing like this.she is a sweet loving dog,but i have never seen or heard of anything like this before,i am worried now if she is an unstable dog that may turn on one of us?  

First of all, she should have been spayed before this situation ever occured. Secondly, 13 is a huge litter for any dog especially a first litter. It is not at all unusual for a dog to eat a dead puppy, or a live one if there was something wrong with it. It sounds to me like your dog is a wonderful mother. Why in the world would you think she would turn on you?  My suggestion is to let her get through this litter and have her spayed as soon as possible.  That should solve everything.