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possible cherry eye

19 16:18:40

i have a 4 yr old male bulldog. just a couple hours ago i noitced his eye lid was "drooping" when he holds his head up you would not be able to notice the inner lid seems to  be "swollen" when he hold his head a his normal level you can see the outter lid is droppy and the inner lid seems a bit swollen. it  is not protuding, i really dont know if it is cherry eye or and infection or just maybe irritated! i did rinse his eye out with normal saline, he is totally fine! but since he is my bully i am worried. i dont know if this makes any sense but i hope you might know what i may be talking about! what can or should i do in your opinion, i wont be able to take him to the vet till monday, i live in a small town where the vet isnt in on sundays!

Hi Josie, I think it may be a reaction to something...
How about 2 Benadryl pills ( 25 mg each)  - give 1-2 every 8 hrs...
See the vet if the Benadryl doesn't reduce the swelling.
If it is a reaction to Allergies....the Benadryl should help about 1 hr after you give the first dosage.

BEST of Luck

Marie Peppers

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