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spaying a english bulldog

19 16:15:41

I will be getting my english bulldog puppy spayed at 6 mos in Oct of this year and was told by the breeder to make sure the veternarian does not put a tube down her throat as bullies have elongated soft palates and should only be given a shot to put them out fot the surgery and i was wondering since they have health issues one being the soft palate and breathing problems is this info correct.

english bulldogs anesthesia needs ;

I believe this is correct.  They can use an I.V. to put her into a sleeping mode.
Ask your vet if they have worked on pugs, bostons, english bullies and frenchies....
Try to find a vet that works on this type of breed.
Don't just let any Vet operate on your baby.
Call around and even visit some offices.

Marie Peppers
see my bullies here: